Case Studies
We will provide case studies here soon!
Building industry:
Struggling with an addiction, client had no control of his spending. By continuing in the same business structure would be disastrous in terms of the penalties, fines and criminal conviction he potentially would have to face for failing to meet compliance obligation.
The other major consequence would be of a family being torn apart.
From 1 July, after our recommendation, he will be trading under a different structure. His cashflow savings is estimated to be close to $10k annually.
In the past we had put him in touch with our trusted partners in the health sector to look after his mental well-being.
Medical industry:
Startups and investors:
First home buyers:
Thanks to our clients, we work closely with banks, lenders and mortgage brokers so when first home buyers approach us to help them with requirements to meet certain lending criteria, it is not only important to get the balance right between income and tax, but also being able to show lenders clearly the income and expenses breakdown for a proper loan assessment to maximise the chances for a strong lending approval.
These clients who approached us prior to the financial year end now have a clear vision and a pathway to owning their first home through our savings strategies.
Considering starting a charity or know of anyone wanting to?
We have helped establish charities and scale them and look after some of them on a pro-bono service.
There are different types of entity structures so it is important to know what is right for your charity and obligations.
We also provide guidance on Deductible gift recipient (DGR) status application. Don’t waste time trying to figure it out by yourself. You could end up spending hours and getting nowhere. A lot depends on your charity activities, the members you will be having, extend of your outreach programs, how you raise funds, reporting obligations and much more. The regulatory requirement for each state is different. To whom you should be reporting and submitting your annual statements to will also vary depending on the above factors.
Contact us if you would like to have a chat.